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Anonymous survey about cybersecurity
Cybersecurity means quite different things in different situations, between people as private persons and employee, and between company divisions and professions. In this survey, we ask you to consider cybersecurity in the context of the company in which you are employed.
Voluntary Nature of the Study
Your participation in this study is entirely voluntary and you may refuse to complete the study at any point during the study, or refuse to answer any questions with which you are uncomfortable. You may also stop at any time and ask the researcher any questions you may have.
The study is completely anonymous. No identifiable information (e.g., name, IP address) will be collected. The data will be accessible only to researchers in the CyberKit4SME project. We will use your responses to get a better understanding of the cybersecurity landscape. Results will be reported in a report for the CyberKIT4SME project and may be used in research articles. You will not be identifiable, of course.
Responsible for the study
Costas Boletsis (email: or Ragnhild Halvorsrud ( from SINTEF Digital.
Statement of Consent:
If you agree with the above-stated conditions and are willing to participate in the study, please check the "I agree" statement below. By accepting these conditions, you confirm that you meet the following conditions: 1) you have read the above form, understood it and you agree to it; 2) you want to participate in the above-mentioned study.
I agree and I want to participate in the study.
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